Adaptive noise reduction premiere obsolete. Hi all,SAP GUI for Java 7.40 rev 9 is now available for download.Enhancements and New FeaturesSupport for New OS Versions:Fedora 24macOS Sierra 10.12DropDown Listbox:Showing the keys on individual dropDown listboxes via Screen-Painter property independent. This document was written based on the Mac OSX Mavericks (10.10.2) operating system with Java JDK 8. Update 40 installed. The filenames of the Java JDK and SAP GUI may differ than those shown in the screenshots. With the new version SAP GUI 7.4 Java this changed, in that a file link is not supported anymore. Unfortunately, to run SAP GUI 7.3 Java you will need to install legacy Java version 6 according to Download Java for OS X 2015-001 Recommendation:Should you plan to use a saplogon.inifile use 7.3 not 7.4.
Hi all,
SAP GUI for Java 7.40 rev 9 is now available for download.
Enhancements and New Features
- Support for New OS Versions:
- Fedora 24
- macOS Sierra 10.12
- DropDown Listbox:
- Showing the keys on individual dropDown listboxes via Screen-Painter property independently from the local user settings is supported now.
- Calendar Control:
- The default date selection has not been reported to the backend.
- Setting the selected date in the past outside the visible time interval resulted in an exception.
- Table Control:
- In some cases, incorrect column widths have been reported to the backend, which could cause layout issues.
- Radio Buttons:
- Radio buttons belonging to one group sometimes were behaving like being part of different groups.
- Html Control:
- Values of toggle buttons in Html forms changed by the user has not been reported correctly in case of using PostDATA.
- Deciding on the encoding of the Html content now is left to the Html rendering engine instead of overwriting with a potentially wrong encoding set by the communication layer.
- Desktop Integration:
- The mechanism to choose the appropriate external application to display data received from the backend via Data Provider has been improved.
- Enhanced Search:
- Editing the search string always used the insert mode, even when overwrite mode was active otherwise.
- Display of PDF based Content:
- A new version of the component to display PDFs fixes an issue related to saving the PDF to a local file.
- Linux only: The mechanism to generate the list of available fonts has been extended to search in more locations to prevent empty or incomplete documents to be displayed because of lacking fonts.
- Shortcut file:
- After opening a connection from a shortcut file including an SSO token, the file is now deleted. Before, old shortcut files no longer working piled up on the file system.
- Opening a connection from a shortcut file sometimes resulted in an inconsistent session state.
- Security:
- The dialog to change the trust level of a system failed to persist the chosen value in some languages.
- OS X only:
- A problem was fixed related to choosing the latest Java runtime on application launch.
For details please refer to the manual (chapter '6.2 Release Notes and System Requirements' and '2. Installation') of the PlatinManual and SAP note 2059424.
Please use the latest Java 8 update, because some known issues in older versions related to the Html control component have been addressed.
For migrating your landscape configuration, please refer to the SAP UI Landscape Configuration Guide.
Best regards
Rolf-Martin Wörsinger
P.S. For feedback and questions, please post a new thread.
In case you want to report an issue, preferably create a support message on component BC-FES-JAV.
Dasar kudzi, nyuruh – nyuruh orang ngeblog, dia sendiri ga update blognya. hehhee… yaudah dehh, mumpung masih panas di kepala, saya mau share nih tentang instalasi SAP GUI di Mac OS X.
Mengapa koq mau install SAP GUI di Mac ?? ya karena saya membutuhkannya buat workshop Modul PRA MySAP di kantor, dan karena laptopku berbasiskan Max OS X yang tentunya berbeda dengan Windows OS, tentunya berbeda. hihihi…
Usut punya usut dengan teman, ternyata gampang. hehehehe., berikut langkah – langkah yang harus dilakukan :
a. Download file (atau cari) PlatinGUI-MacOSX-7.20rev2.jar disini download
b. Klik deh file .jar yang diatas tadi. tunggu sampe selesai instalasi sama si Mac OS X -nya sendiri.
c. Kalo udah selesai, klik aplikasinya di Applications -> SAP Clients -> SAPGui 7.10rev2 -> SAPGui 7.10rev2
Sap Gui For Java Mac Os X64
Berikut skrinsutnya kalo udah diklik :
Nah habis ini kita harus menset koneksi. biar bisa terhubung dengan server mysap.
d. pilih dulu Menu Connections, setelah itu klik pada gambar kertas yang ada di menu icon diatasnya, setelah itu akan keluar jendela baru seperti gambar dibawah :
e. Pada jendela tersebut isikan description, misalnya saya masukkan description Conn MySAP, abaikan connection type karena kita akan memakai type R/3.
f. Setelah itu klik tab advanced, pada tab tersebut centang expert mode.
g. Selanjutnya pada kotak Expert Mode masukkan settingan sebagai berikut :
Sap Gui For Java 7.30 On Mac Os X Download
Sap Gui 7.40 Java For Mac Os X
ctt : xx.xx.xx.xx ganti dengan IP Server MySAP anda, hehehe. berhubung karena bersifat confidential terpaksa saya kasi tanda ‘x’ 😀 okeeey…
h. Selanjutnya klik Save.
i. Kemudian kita akan kembali ke SAPGUI Front yang awal, terlihat pada menu Connections terdapat settingan koneksi yang telah kita buat tadi. tinggal klik saja yang baru kita buat. selanjutnya silahkan login dengan user dan pass masing2. hehhehe.
Kalo sudah berhasil kita akan terkoneksi dengan jaringan mySAP, seperti pada gambar dibawah :
Sap Gui For Mac Download
Kalo belum berhasil juga berarti anda belum beruntung. soalnya saya sudah bisa. hehehe…
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Selamat mencoba.